Sunday, September 30, 2012


No I’m not being sarcastic, I mean it. I know everyday we hear about how bad things are getting, Environment, War, Death, Pestilence etc... but I still think that we are better off than we ever were and things are only going to get better...Why? Ok read on...

Firstly, there’s just a lot more of us today and the numbers are only going to increase, presently we are 7.042 billion, yeah I googled it and more on that later, but I know what all of you are thinking, How is more better? But it is! You see we forget that Humanity exists because of humans, and the more there are of us the more Humanity, of course there will always be more of the inhumane stuff but its up to us to look at what we want. its like mining for Gold...we got to get through a lot of rock to find gold, we don’t think of all the layers of rock or sediment or whatever we have to go through to find the gold but as long as its there, we are willing to dig and sift and keep filling our unending need for it.

So why cant it be with humanity, just cause we may need to sift out some of the bad elements does not take away from the fact that there is “gold” there, lots of it and its only increasing.

Ok now to my next point...Google, yes you knew this was coming. Anyway, when I say Google what I mean is the internet, the connected world with all of its myriad offsprings of search engines, operating systems and social networks.
There is a thought that the internet has isolated us, it has made us into a world where no one is watching and our basest most depraved part is coming out to wreak havoc on humanity. This is possibly true, to an extent, but I also believe that this base part of ourselves is there, whether we like it or not, it is hidden under layers of designer clothes and perfume, waiting for a chance to strike. I think the internet has given it an outlet, an ability, no rather a permission to be bad, to be who we are from inside, without judgement and without consequences. And I think this outlet will finally liberate us. It will first expose the dichotomy of what we truly are and what we appear to be and when it has blown over we can truly be a civilized people, where we are as much in acceptance of our animal and baser urges as we are of our higher ones.

And to my last and final point...where we are headed is actually not really up to us. We constitute such a minuscule part of the overall plan that it is ridiculous to think that there might even be a future for us in terms of the Universe. Just to put things into perspective, the Universe is about 14 billion years old (thats billion with a B), we appeared 200,000 years ago on Earth which itself is just 3.5 billion years old. So our future is really uncertain, whether we destroy each other or get destroyed in a celestial cataclysm is anyones guess. I think its pointless worrying about how we can improve everything and we should rather just concentrate on seeing where this evolution of man is headed, maybe we are programmed to self destruct at some point and if that is the case, then no amount of “improvement” is going to make a difference.

So I say enjoy the ride, look at life as a work in progress. We are not perfect, and may never be, or we might just surprise everyone and achieve ascension (Ok I confess,  have been watching too much “Stargate”). Either way, being human is not written in stone. The term humanity is flexible, it will keep changing as long as we keep evolving and we should just accept that...just believe that wherever we are headed, it is good!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Nature of Love

I came across an interesting article today and it got me thinking on the nature of Love. Now this might get a bit mushy so all of you who cringe at that please stop reading...
Ok so whoever is left, let's go down the rabbit hole...

I've heard wise men talk about loving everyone and giving and not wanting anything in return and I always wondered how I am expected to do that. It didn't make sense to me. The main reason for that is, that in most of our heads everything is analysed as cause and effect. Like, I love someone and they love me back that completes the cycle for me, but today I'm thinking that Love does not work in that way.

If you think about it no emotion works in that way and we know that of all the others but somehow we judge Love differently.
Let's take Fear for example. If we fear someone, do we expect them to fear us back? Naturally not...similarly if we bring Joy to someone, do we expect them to give it back to us? Again the answer is No. Yes they might or might not but we don't expect it in return.
Yet, when it comes to Love, we expect to get it back. We feel unfulfilled if we don't get it back and I'm wondering if that has something to do with the nature of Love or Us.
I think Love like any emotion is created within us and then expressed, simple and straight forward and whatever it's rewards for creating it are, to expect the same from another, is not Love but something completely different, called Ego.

Now don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with Ego, it's just that perhaps we are confusing the two and putting Love and Ego together and calling it LOVE! And I think LOVE doesn't exist.

So as an experiment we should see what happens when we separate the two. Let Love do it's thing and Ego do its thing but let's not confuse the two.
So if you Love someone, let that be enough, let it be an end in itself and not the premise for anything more.

And my instinct tells me, that if one can love like that and not expect it back, then Love will find its way back to you anyway...

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Friday, March 23, 2012

Becoming an iPad...

I come across a lot of stress and unhappiness these days. Everyone is battling with some kind of depression and a general feeling of melancholy. It seems that the ones who laugh the loudest are the ones hiding the greatest pain.
All this is alarming...are we becoming a race of disgruntled and disillusioned people? Is there a way out?
That's when I hit upon the idea...there is a way out!
My love for apple products and technology in general got me thinking. Machines always seem to be "happy", ok fine, it may be just me but even if they are not happy, they sure as hell ain't sad either.
So my point is that maybe to feel human again, we need to first become less human, become machines, non emotional, no happiness, no sadness, just busy crunching numbers...oblivious, like an iPad
Ya ok I am partial to Apple, so sue me, but you can become any machine of your choice, just choose one and go with it. The important thing is that you believe in it, really really believe in it. So say if you decide to become a washing machine, you should really feel like one...I mean really believe that that's your sole purpose, you should live for that spin cycle, detergent should be your first love and softener your mistress. I know this sounds funny, well naturally it is, I mean it's me! But there's a truth to it. You see what happens in this way of thinking is that you re-boot your brain into what I call the "safe mode". Here there are no emotions, no feelings, only reality and doing. You read your life like a robot, and then you can change what is not working, much like an offending piece of bad programming. You eradicate it from your life, add what you want and then re-boot back to "human".
This is a working hypothesis for me, not yet a theory but I've had varying degrees of success with it. I of course have become an iPad so naturally I'm more inclined to start looking at life as swipes and pinches, but hey I do that anyway! Either way, try it, it just might work for you and if it does, invent an app for it!
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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Guru - On the purpose of Life

Me: what is the purpose of life?
Guru: That question has baffled me for years

Me: And do you have an answer
Guru: I have an idea, but not sure if it's "the" answer

Me: let's hear it.
Guru: I believe that Life has one single purpose...To Win!

Me: Meaning?
Guru: I've started thinking of Life as an independent entity. Something that is alive and conscious and it is our greatest Nemesis.

Me: What!!!? You gotta explain more.
Guru: Life is the most sadistic being in the Universe, right from the very beginning its sole purpose is to kill you and not being satisfied with that, it will try it's best to make the years up until your death as miserable as possible.

Me: That's a very dark and disturbing look at things Guru.
Guru: Perhaps, but if you understand it's purpose you will see that actually it is quite wonderful.

Me: Ok I gotta hear more...
Guru: Ok ill start with something simple...humans were born naked right?

Me: Right.
Guru: Yet if we stayed naked we would die of exposure.

Me: Ok, so?
Guru: So everything we've ever accomplished in life, be it shelter, farming, culture, religion, technology etc. is our way of winning the battle against Life...of staying alive.
If life wasn't out to get us, we would never fight back, never progress and never create this society that we have. We have gone from being Animals to a civilised society in a very short amount of time and all that because Life would have destroyed us if we didn't.

Me: So the purpose of life is to destroy us?
Guru: The purpose of life is to fight us. To be a worthy adversary. It is a battle, a game, however you see it, it is what keeps us going, reaching for the stars and never stopping. It pushes us to the edge and once there, we realise what we are made of. We can either choose to fight and move ahead or perish and die, so far I think we are doing quite well...don't you agree?

Me: I'm a little confused, you've turned this question around by making Life into a being and that's fine but it still brings me back to my original question, what is the purpose of anything, us, this universe, everything!
Guru: I thought that was obvious

Me: Not to me
Guru: The question itself is the answer.

Me: Now your talking in riddles again.
Guru: No I'm not.

Me: Please explain.
Guru: Every single higher thought of humanity trickles down from this very it religion, philosophy or science. From the moment we gain consciousness we have wondered about it, but what people don't seem to understand is that, what if our purpose is to actually keep asking the question. The answer is not the beginning of consciousness but the end of it. Our answer will be given when it all ends, The Universe and everything in it and then the search will all start again with a new question.

I can sum up what you ask in the only way I know for the moment...

Ours is to play, to fight, to move beyond what is there to what can be. In essence to dream and bring those dreams to reality. Ours is not in finding the answers but in searching for them. For the answers lie only at the end. The end of everything!

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I've broken the code to Life!

I have always been trying to figure a secret code, a way out, a hack to the back door programming of Life.
Ever since I saw the "Matrix" I've always wondered what if there's a way, a way to cheat the rules, to make everything happen just the way I want it to...
When we came into this world, we were not given an API (Application Programming Interface) to life, but that does not mean it does not exist and what's more, if we can find it, maybe we can tweak Life just the way we want it.
So began my quest, I experimented with a lot of systems, religion, philosophy, theology, gastronomy...ok that last one had nothing to do with my search but what can I say, I love food!
Anyway, the fact is that I've discovered it!!! It exists!!! Yay for me but what's even cooler is that Yay for all of you too, cause I'm about to share the secret.
But before I begin, I need to expel some myths. So remember how everyone told us as kids that we need to pray to God and he will get rid of our troubles, Well there was some truth to that...but not in the way you would think. You see God is an idea and if enough people believed in "him" then he would become real, he would gain power and we could then use that power, it was a genius idea but it was flawed.
It gave rise to religion, dogma and fundamentalism but the idea in itself was brilliant.
So I started to think about it in a different way. God became powerful because we, collectively chose to believe in him, so similarly if we collectively chose to believe in something else, would that gain power too? and more importantly could we then control that power?
The answer is all around us to see. In the advertising world it is clear that "perception" is reality. It does not even have to be true but if enough people believe it to be true, it becomes reality...that was my aha moment.
Now the same can be applied to everything in life...all I need, to get everything I ever want, is to get enough people to think about it, to believe it will happen and voila! It will manifest itself. That's it! Thats the API to life.
So here starts my experiment, whatever we want, all we have to do is gather enough people to lend their thoughts to it and it will happen, I still have to figure out what the critical mass is for something like this but from my initial calculations the more unlikely the scenario, the higher the critical mass needed.
So, if your from Bhutan and you want to be The President of America the critical mass would probably be 7 billion, which incidentally is the population of the planet. So saving such insane delusions of grandeur, I think most of the stuff we want, can be made possible with fewer people involved.
Either way, this is a working hypothesis, so go out experiment and come back to me with the results. It's going to be awesome!!
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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Daya - on sadness

(To fully understand this blog, you gotta read the previous one "Guru - on sadness")

Daya: Hey stupid! What the hell is wrong with you, why are you talking about such yucky stuff like sadness, don't you have a life?
Me: Daya, I was just trying to understand some deeper things, you will never get it!

Daya: Ok Try me!
Me: Uhmmmm?!

Daya: I know a thing or two about life as well you know
Me: Ok! So what's your take on sadness

Daya: It's for losers!
Me: See, I knew I shouldn't have started this with you

Daya: waa waa waa...that's all you ever do man! Like grow up and grow a pair!
Me: Oh really! Don't you ever get sad, don't you ever feel like life's not going your way and you just don't know what to do!

Daya: NO!
Me: we'll that's cause your a figment of my imagination and I'm a real person with real feelings and emotions.
Daya: So is the other guy dude, that Guru guy, he's a figment of your imagination as well isn't he

Me: uhhhh!?..
Daya: (imitating) uhhh!...what happened, cat got your tongue now, or did you just finally realise I'm right.

Me: it's just that Gurus words helped me feel better
Daya: So! Did it change your situation in any way?

Me: No but...
Daya: like I said, LOSER!

Me: ok so what would you have me do?
Daya: stop whining, stop thinking like a loser and never give up.

Me: meaning...?
Daya: meaning, it's all well and good to say that life has a plan for you and all that bullshit, but in reality it's just another way of saying "I'm a loser and I can't get what I want so let me just believe that it's some outside force of God or whatever"

Me: ....And that will help me from feeling sad...?
Daya: Gosh! Your so far down "Loserville" you can't even see my point. Here's my philosophy of life "If you cry, your dead, if you get sad your dead, if you put your head down in despair, the other guy is gonna kick you down and guess what, yup, your dead again....Stop being a loser and take what you want from life, let others cry if they have to. You walk upto them, kick them, kill them and take what you want. At the end of the day, the guy who's crying is the loser and the guy who's laughing is the winner...your choice on which one you wanna be!"

Me: So your saying?
Daya: Come back to me when your laughing!

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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Guru - On Sadness

Me: Why do we get sad Guru?
Guru: That's a stupid question

Me: Why?
Guru: Cause you know the answer to that.

Me: I might know the answer but I wanted to know what to do about it.
Guru: Again, you are thinking of it from a silly perspective...change your perspective and ask me, maybe then I'll answer.

Me: I don't know what perspective I need to have. All I know is that I feel sad and I don't see any way out of it.
Guru: That's because you are looking at it all wrong.

Me: So how should I look at it?
Guru: Ask yourself this, is it the sadness that really bothers you or the thing associated with it?

Me: we'll naturally the cause of my sadness is what bothers me but I was trying to understand sadness as a whole.
Guru: And that's what you were doing wrong.

Me: But isn't being spiritual all about understanding the whole rather than the part.
Guru: I don't know what spirituality is my friend, all I know is that you cannot expect to understand the whole, unless you understand it's parts.

Me: So then what of my sadness, how do I overcome this feeling I have inside that depresses me.
Guru: You are sad, because life is not going according to your plan.

Me: Yes but it's more than that, I'm willing to accept that life may not go according to my plan yet I feel so depressed that I am unable to move forward sometimes.
Guru: And this is because you did not get what you wanted?

Me: Yes!
Guru: Good now were getting somewhere.

Me: I don't understand
Guru: The problem is not about Sadness.

Me: Then what?
Guru: It's about desire.

Me: So are you saying Desire is bad.
Guru: ha ha ha ha...that's funny

Me: Your laughing at me!
Guru: Your first problem my friend, is that you have an incessant need to qualify your life. You need to compartmentalise everything under good or bad. Life does not work that way, Good and Bad have been created by us, they have no place in the real order of things.

Me: This is getting really complicated, I just wanted to understand how to feel better, how to move on and get over my are just confusing me more.
Guru: You have confused yourself my friend, I am merely trying to point that out to you, so that you may untangle yourself from the way you are thinking.

Me: Ok so then tell me.
Guru: Desire is a very powerful thing. It gets us going, makes us want to do things. It is a very important force of the Universe, working through you. Do you understand this much.

Me: Yes! Desire is a powerful thing.
Guru: And not just that, but it's a force of nature, working through does not belong to you. It has it's own plan, you are merely a part of that. It's purpose is to guide you through life and it can work through both it's positive manifestation as well as its negative.

Me: Hey isn't that just a way of saying Good and Bad, now your saying the same thing.
Guru: No its not, I'm not saying Good and Bad, I'm saying positive and negative, like push and is unqualified.

Me: Ok Go on...
Guru: When desire works positively it feels good to us. It drives us to a place where we want to be, the things we desire are given to us and we keep moving through that path. However, Desire can work through the negative as well. This happens when we stop listening to our desire, so it starts correcting our mistakes. It makes us want something and then refuses to give it to us. This causes conflict and we have no choice but to shut the path we are on and wait for a change.

Me: So are you saying that's why we get sad, when our path is being corrected by the negative Desire.
Guru: Exactly! But there is more, though you are not ready to understand that yet. Just understand this, that we are flawed beings and our actions are not always in our best interests. so the Universe guides us and when it does, we must listen.

Me: meaning?
Guru: Meaning, that if you are sad then it's only because you at some point in your path did not listen to your heart, it might have been something completely different but it swayed you from your path and the only way for the Universe to correct itself, was to give you a desire that would not be fulfilled. So you would be forced to stop, to think, to understand and move back to the path chosen for you.

Me: hmmm! So in a way, when I'm sad and depressed, it's just a different way of the Universe taking care of me.
Guru: Exactly!

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Friday, February 10, 2012


There are four known fundamental forces in the universe. Gravity, Electromagnetism, Weak Nuclear Force and the Strong Nuclear Force...
However there is also a fifth force called Magic.

Yes! Magic is a real physical force and it is the most powerful of all the forces, yet most of us don't believe in it. It has somehow gone into the realm of fantasy and children's movies.

The first four forces are all based on the interactions of particles and the charges and energy produced during those interactions. Magic however employs a different method, it employs the mind, our mind.

So this brings us to the the birth of Magic. Magic did not exist in the early Universe, at that point human kind did not exist and because of that, there was no mind to bring it forth. However as Earth came into being about 4 billion years ago and Humanity started to evolve, magic evolved with it.

Yet we don't see it around us and the main reason for that is that Magic does not live in the same dimension as the rest of us. It's great destructive potential is hidden from us lest we destroy everything that exists, yes it is that powerful!

I know all this talk seems like psycho babble to most but here is where it gets interesting. I'm not talking about magic as some euphemism for positive thinking and any of that silliness. No I'm actually going to explain how this amazing force came into my life and how I was able to harness it and use it. Anyone can bring it into their lives and use it and perhaps my story will help you to do that. Whether you use it for good or evil is totally upto you. Though you know that I tend to go towards the evil, but that's just me.

So anyway, before I begin telling you all the details, I must first tell you about the history of Magic. Like I said earlier, it lives in a different dimension. The realm of Magic has purposely been separated from us by "The Thirteen". The Thirteen were the Masters of Magic in humanity's earliest history and they realised that if Magic was as freely available to all people it's sheer magnitude of force would overwhelm us and destroy us. The power of Magic is too intoxicating and as human beings we were not ready for it back then. So they got together and literally pushed the force out of our current dimension into the one right next to us.

However, this does not mean that we cannot use it. It can be used but we must first bring it back into our own dimension. This process is the most challenging process and it will take thirteen people to accomplish. Remember however, that bringing it into our dimension can only happen for thirteen minutes at a time but that much time is more than enough to be able to use its amazing power.

This is how it all began for me. So one normal day, I was in office when I discovered a brown envelope sitting on my desk. I don't know how it got there and no one could tell me who brought it. It seemed weird but I didn't think too much of it. I opened it to discover a piece of paper with the following instructions on it.

"This is a gift. You have been chosen! You are 5th of the 13 that have received this gift. All 13 need to come together for you to receive your gift. It is up to you to accept. If you do not accept another will be chosen.
Do you accept ?"

I found myself saying YES in my mind and as I said it more words magically appeared on the paper.

"Thank you for accepting. You are going to be given a great power and with that will come a huge responsibility. To activate this power, you need to speak 3 words from the current book you are reading. 6th word on page 43, 1st word on page 107, 40th word on page 116"

I had the mis fortune to have been reading "I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell" at that moment and so my words were, "asshole", "bingeroso", and "prostitutes". I went in to say the words aloud and then watched as the last characters on the letter appeared.

"On the 5th of November at 1PM IST call this number xxx-xxx-xxxx". That was it, 5th November was 2 weeks away and so I waited for the day to arrive, patiently at first and with growing excitement as the days went by...

To be continued...

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Friday, January 20, 2012


I've decided to write a blog, it doesn't stem from any need to put my thoughts out there or even as a hobby. No! it comes from a deep need to use my iPad and this new software (I know its not new but I just discovered it) called BlogPress.

So here goes, my first blog...
I want to attempt something lofty today..."Spirituality" yes thats going to be my topic.
You see I think everyone is looking at Spirituality all wrong.
I asked a few people at random, what are their first thoughts when they think of Spirituality

Some said...
Meditation, tarot card readers, astrologers, peace, calm, positivity...

While others took the names of all the gods they believed in, I wont innumerate them cause, well there are just too many.
Anyway, I then came across this tiny little creature (some people call them children) eating Ice-Cream (actually it looked like the Ice-Cream was eating her but anyway). So I asked her what she thought of Spirituality.
And she said, with almost manic excitement in her eyes "Ice-Cream" and then proceeded to lick off the offending rivulets of cream which were now causing a deluge in her arm...

I just shook my head at the child's clear inefficient way of eating that ice cream, I mean c'mon by the amount of Ice-Cream these monsters consume they should be pros at it, I guess thats why these strange creatures are so short...most of their food is wasted on their clothes and body.

Anyway so here I was with no clear answer as to what Spirituality was and was about to give up on the subject when I decided to test the little creatures theory, mostly it was because that Ice-Cream did seem quite yummy but I convinced myself that it was for the benefit of my research.

So I bought a few scoops of varying flavours and sat down trying to discover Spirituality.
The first lick of the cold creamy dessert came rushing into my senses like a long forgotten dream, It was sooooo delicious and I proceeded to then, clear the entire contents of my bowl as fast and efficiently as possible, savouring every moment of pleasure that it gave me.
Once finished, I looked up and saw that unlike that little creature, I had managed to eat it all without it forming a fjord on my person. I jumped up with excitement at my feat patting myself on the back for having out-performed the little creature.
I had completely forgotten all about my research. In that first lick of Ice-Cream I had completely lost myself in its yummy creaminess and now after it was gone I was just left with a memory of how wonderful it was and now after the excitement was over I realised that my research was still incomplete.

I stood there for a moment, scratching my head, trying to decipher what to do next, how to proceed with my research, when that little creature came trancing along (apparently thats how they move, by trancing, its a special skill and I have not mastered it yet) and said to me "Sipi-alee-tee" and then ran away making those awful noises that creatures of her kind make all the time (some people call it giggling).

And there I had it, conclusive proof that Ice-Cream is Spirituality and these small creatures are probably the most "Sipi-alee-tual" creatures on the planet.

My point is, Spirituality is not a lofty ideal or something to be thought about and mastered, it is the experience of the moment, the joy in the everyday things. It is anything and can be meditation or a car, A Guru or your friends and in my case it was a small little creature eating Ice-Cream.

Disclaimer: I was not paid by the Ice-Cream companies for this blog, well not in cash anyway :-)

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