Saturday, March 3, 2012

Guru - On Sadness

Me: Why do we get sad Guru?
Guru: That's a stupid question

Me: Why?
Guru: Cause you know the answer to that.

Me: I might know the answer but I wanted to know what to do about it.
Guru: Again, you are thinking of it from a silly perspective...change your perspective and ask me, maybe then I'll answer.

Me: I don't know what perspective I need to have. All I know is that I feel sad and I don't see any way out of it.
Guru: That's because you are looking at it all wrong.

Me: So how should I look at it?
Guru: Ask yourself this, is it the sadness that really bothers you or the thing associated with it?

Me: we'll naturally the cause of my sadness is what bothers me but I was trying to understand sadness as a whole.
Guru: And that's what you were doing wrong.

Me: But isn't being spiritual all about understanding the whole rather than the part.
Guru: I don't know what spirituality is my friend, all I know is that you cannot expect to understand the whole, unless you understand it's parts.

Me: So then what of my sadness, how do I overcome this feeling I have inside that depresses me.
Guru: You are sad, because life is not going according to your plan.

Me: Yes but it's more than that, I'm willing to accept that life may not go according to my plan yet I feel so depressed that I am unable to move forward sometimes.
Guru: And this is because you did not get what you wanted?

Me: Yes!
Guru: Good now were getting somewhere.

Me: I don't understand
Guru: The problem is not about Sadness.

Me: Then what?
Guru: It's about desire.

Me: So are you saying Desire is bad.
Guru: ha ha ha ha...that's funny

Me: Your laughing at me!
Guru: Your first problem my friend, is that you have an incessant need to qualify your life. You need to compartmentalise everything under good or bad. Life does not work that way, Good and Bad have been created by us, they have no place in the real order of things.

Me: This is getting really complicated, I just wanted to understand how to feel better, how to move on and get over my are just confusing me more.
Guru: You have confused yourself my friend, I am merely trying to point that out to you, so that you may untangle yourself from the way you are thinking.

Me: Ok so then tell me.
Guru: Desire is a very powerful thing. It gets us going, makes us want to do things. It is a very important force of the Universe, working through you. Do you understand this much.

Me: Yes! Desire is a powerful thing.
Guru: And not just that, but it's a force of nature, working through does not belong to you. It has it's own plan, you are merely a part of that. It's purpose is to guide you through life and it can work through both it's positive manifestation as well as its negative.

Me: Hey isn't that just a way of saying Good and Bad, now your saying the same thing.
Guru: No its not, I'm not saying Good and Bad, I'm saying positive and negative, like push and is unqualified.

Me: Ok Go on...
Guru: When desire works positively it feels good to us. It drives us to a place where we want to be, the things we desire are given to us and we keep moving through that path. However, Desire can work through the negative as well. This happens when we stop listening to our desire, so it starts correcting our mistakes. It makes us want something and then refuses to give it to us. This causes conflict and we have no choice but to shut the path we are on and wait for a change.

Me: So are you saying that's why we get sad, when our path is being corrected by the negative Desire.
Guru: Exactly! But there is more, though you are not ready to understand that yet. Just understand this, that we are flawed beings and our actions are not always in our best interests. so the Universe guides us and when it does, we must listen.

Me: meaning?
Guru: Meaning, that if you are sad then it's only because you at some point in your path did not listen to your heart, it might have been something completely different but it swayed you from your path and the only way for the Universe to correct itself, was to give you a desire that would not be fulfilled. So you would be forced to stop, to think, to understand and move back to the path chosen for you.

Me: hmmm! So in a way, when I'm sad and depressed, it's just a different way of the Universe taking care of me.
Guru: Exactly!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Been reading your blog.
    Random indeed :)

  2. Perhaps this is apt, it's hyperbole & a half (always a good read):

  3. nice blog...
    can u check my site and comment ? ->

  4. Nice intuitions are to be trusted. i started writing my own blog recently its simple Indian veg recipes for my Aussie mates hope you like it

  5. heyy dat was a good one.. :) :) Desire :)

  6. absolutely needed to read this. only justifies how i am feeling. sadness has been the biggest game changer for me. thanks.

  7. Always the unexpected yet just what is applicable for the moment.

  8. u shud read de book "the secret" if u havent...its got all de answers in it..:)

  9. Thank you! Simple words of the complex. Get to think and feel deeply ...

  10. Interesting message. Quite applicable to my current situation

  11. check
